Tamara, Virág and Paul
We are most thankful for the interest many of you manifested in the cases of children in crisis. There are some developments we want to share with you about their situation:

Tamara, who's already four now - she was diagnosed with leukemia, and has been hospitalized since October -, already received advanced treatments in different cities. Her condition is fluctuating, but her adoptive parents have brought us good news about her improving health. We wish her complete recovery and healing, and that her adoption process may advance as smoothly as possible!
We also informed you about Virág, who underwent two surgeries in Cluj Napoca over the last year. Her doctors say, that under regular medical supervision she will be able to live with her illness. Our colleague spends a great deal of energy assisting this little girl, and we pray that God strengthens him throughout this!

We haven't forgotten about little Paul from Harghita county, for whom we found in the person of Adelina Toncean a surrogate parent for the time of the medical treatments in Bucharest. Paul is a two year old leukemia suferrer, abandoned in the hospital. We owe thanks to the Blondie Organisation, for being by the side of the children during their most difficult hoispital days. There is power in unity!